December 2021 ABIC embarked on a new challenge to become CARF Accredited. As you all have seen, management and staff have been engaged in CARF Preparation. Part of this preparation is creating a Strategic Plan. We have held quite a few meetings to go over where we are as a company and where we want to be.
Over the past few months there have been quite a few changes made. We have changed the way we do a few of the daily tasks; we have changed the way we implement some of the programming within the residential home; and probably one of the biggest changes was how to safeguard the residents and the staff during the Pandemic. There has been a little fine tuning in other areas as we get ready for the CARF Surveyor to survey the Program.
As we have worked on prepping for CARF, we have learned that we do many great things. We have also learned that we must do some things better and make a few changes. One thing we will not change is the care we provide for our residents. ABIC’s main goal has always been to provide the best care for the residents.
Part of CARF prepping showed us ABIC’s strengths and weaknesses and helped us decide on the goals for our Strategic Plan. These goals have additional requirements within them, but overall, our Strategic Plan will work on the following:
Provide the highest standard of care (Continue to provide)
Be the Provider of choice in this area
Become the Employer of choice in this area
Maximize resources by operating the department in an efficient and effective manner
It is imperative that as healthcare evolves and changes, ABIC also evolves and changes to reach our full potential in being the best Adult Brain Injury Center in the area providing the best care to adults with acquired brain injuries. As we work on this Strategic Plan, we will give quarterly updates on the goals and the processes to reach them.
As always, thank you for your service and commitment to Acadiana Brain Injury Center and the residents and families that we serve.
Rick A. Seidl, CEO